Mastering Home Lawn Maintenance – Oninov

Mastering Home Lawn Maintenance

Home Maintenance
Por: Ana Paula

A lush green garden not only makes your home look better but also provides you with a great place to do things outside. Achieving and maintaining a healthy lawn requires hard work, the right information, and regular care. In this guide, you will find the most important steps and tips for caring for your lawn at home.


1. Prepare the Soil:

It is important to prepare the soil before spreading grass or seed. Test the dirt to see its pH and nutrient content. Calcareous soil (with a pH between 6 and 7) is best for most grasses. If you want to change the pH, you can add substances such as lime or sulfur. To improve the structure and fertility of the soil, organic waste such as compost can also be added.

2. Choose Grass:

The type of grass you choose depends on your climate, soil type, and the amount of sunlight your yard receives. Warm-season grasses, such as bermudagrass and zoysia, perform better in the south, while cool-season grasses, such as bluegrass and fescue, perform better in the north. Choosing the right type of grass makes it more flexible and durable.


3. Correct Pruning Method:

Mowing is an important part of lawn maintenance and it is important to use the correct method. For most grass types, the blade height should be set between 6.5 and 10 cm. When mowing, keep the one-third rule in mind: Never mow more than one-third of the grass height at a time. This keeps the roots healthy and prevents weeds from growing.

4. Watering Schedule:

For your garden to grow well, it must be watered properly. To promote deeper root growth, water deeply, but not too often. If you want to keep your grass healthy and disease-free, you should water it in the morning. Use a rain gauge to closely monitor precipitation patterns and adjust your irrigation schedule as necessary.


5. Add Fertilizer:

To keep lawns healthy, they need certain chemicals. Fertilize your garden based on your grass type and soil conditions. In most cases, a fertilizer with the right amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will be sufficient. To avoid over-fertilization, use only the recommended amount of fertilizer in spring and fall.

6. Remove Weeds:

Weeds compete with plants for food, water, and light. Check your garden regularly for weeds and remove them immediately. In the spring, use a pre-emergence herbicide to prevent weeds from germinating, and a post-emergence herbicide to kill existing weeds. For small amounts of weeds, pulling the weeds by hand also works.

7. Airflow:

Over time, the soil becomes more compact, making it more difficult for air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots. When aerating the lawn, small holes are made in the soil to prevent it from becoming too compacted. If you have cool-season grasses, you may need to aerate your garden annually. If you have warm-season grasses, you should do this in the spring.

8. Prevention and Control of Pests and Diseases:

Look for signs of pests and diseases that may be affecting your garden. You can use fungicides and poisons to treat these problems, but it is important to know exactly what the problem is before beginning treatment. Keeping your garden clean by removing waste and thatch will reduce the risk of diseases and pests.

9. Four Seasons Care:

Change the way you maintain your lawn depending on the seasons. Spring is the time to fertilize and remove any weeds that appear. Summer requires good watering and mowing. It is best to regulate and aerate in the fall. In winter you may only need to do minor maintenance, such as removing leaves.

10. Equipment Maintenance:

Perform regular maintenance on your lawn care tools, such as lawnmowers, trimmers, and aerators. If necessary, clean and sharpen the mower blades, change the oil, and install new spark plugs. Well-maintained equipment works well and does not harm the grass.


All in all, keeping your lawn in good condition requires a complete plan that includes soil preparation, choosing the right lawn, and regular maintenance. A healthy, green lawn is the result of regular mowing, moderate watering, and timely fertilization. Continuing with weed control, disease prevention, and pest control will keep your garden healthy in the long run. Seasonal changes and regular maintenance of your tools are important to maintain their appearance. Developing these habits will not only make your home look better but will also give you a vibrant outdoor space that shows you care about making your home a healthy place to live.


1. How often should I mow the lawn?

Follow the rule of thirds when mowing your yard. Mowing once a week is usually sufficient, but how often depends on the type of grass and how fast it grows.

2. When is the best time to water?

If you water your grass in the morning, it will be dry in the evening. To help the roots grow deeply, it is best to water deeply, but not too often.

3. How do I choose the right type of grass for my garden?

Consider your soil type, temperature, and amount of sunlight. In the south, warm-season grasses grow well, while in the north, cool-season grasses grow well.

4. How often should I feed grass?

Use a balanced fertilizer to feed your plants in spring and fall. Follow recommended fertilizer amounts to avoid over-fertilization.

5. How do you prevent weeds from growing on your lawn?

Use a pre-emergence insecticide in the spring to discourage weed growth. Check regularly for weeds and pull them out by hand if necessary.

6. Does my lawn need aeration?

Yes, aeration is good for loosening compacted dirt. This is done annually, preferably in the spring for warm-season grasses and in the fall for cool-season grasses.

7. How should I change the way I care for my garden as the seasons change?

Depending on the season, you can change the way you care for your plants. Spring is the time to fertilize and remove weeds before they germinate. Summer requires good watering and mowing. Seeding and aerating are best done in the fall, while winter may only require minor work such as removing leaves.

Ana Paula author
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