First Signs of Pregnancy: A Guide for Moms – Oninov

First Signs of Pregnancy: A Guide for Moms

Por: Marcela

Discover the first signs of pregnancy that reveal the beginning of an exciting journey towards motherhood.


Discovering pregnancy is one of the most exciting moments in a woman’s life. However, even before taking the pregnancy test, our body can send signs of pregnancy, indicating the arrival of a little baby.

These signs of pregnancy can range from the most obvious, such as a missed period, to the rarest, such as changes in your sense of smell. The most interesting thing of all is that not all women feel the same or to the same extent.


Each woman is unique and may experience a different combination of these pregnancy signs. Therefore, recognize and understand. These signs are the first step in this wonderful journey of motherhood.

So, if you’re wondering if what you’re feeling could be a sign that you’re expecting a baby, come with me in this complete guide for moms-to-be!


Delay in menstruation

When we notice a delay in menstruation, it can give us butterflies in our stomach, as among the first signs of pregnancy, this one is quite obvious.
The delay usually occurs due to an increase in the production of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). It prevents the ovaries from continuing to release mature eggs as they normally do every month.

And before I forget, it’s important that you know that the delay can happen due to other factors, such as hormonal changes, stress, changes in eating routine, use of medications, among others. Keep an eye!

Sensitivity and breast enlargement

Normally, the breasts are a very sensitive part of the female body, and during pregnancy they tend to become even more sensitive, as well as swollen due to the hormonal changes that occur in the woman’s body.

These changes can begin as early as the first few weeks after conception and continue throughout the pregnancy. Some women may also notice that their breasts become heavier and fuller.

Nausea or vomiting

Without a doubt, these are one of the most uncomfortable first signs of pregnancy, but there’s no way around it! Normally, from the 6th week of pregnancy, these symptoms begin to appear more intensely, especially in the morning.

The good news is that, in most cases, it usually disappears after the first few months. Also, there are women who may not experience these symptoms throughout their pregnancy!

Increased urinary frequency

Increased urinary frequency is when you feel like you need to urinate more often than usual. This can happen in the first few weeks and continue throughout the journey.

This increase occurs because the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, making you feel the need to urinate more often.

Fatigue or excessive tiredness

If you’re feeling tired all the time, know that you’re not alone! Among the first signs of pregnancy, tiredness is quite common, leading the pregnant woman to feel constantly tired and drowsy.

Get ready, during the first 12 weeks, fatigue tends to increase, as your body is adapting to all the physical and hormonal changes that are happening.

So, if you feel like taking a nap, enjoy it without guilt!

Mood changes

Suddenly you are very happy and then you feel irritated, or you start crying for no apparent reason. Yes, these are the mood swings that are present during pregnancy!

These changes usually occur due to the hormonal changes that happen in the body during pregnancy. It’s normal to feel more sensitive or emotional during this time.

Unusual food aversions or cravings

This is certainly one of the most interesting signs of pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman may develop a sudden aversion to certain foods, even if she consumed them frequently before pregnancy. It’s really incredible!

Furthermore, it is common for somewhat unusual food desires to arise, such as wanting to eat things you had never thought of before, or even slightly crazy combinations of foods.

These changes can happen because of hormonal fluctuations and different nutritional needs during this period.

Dizziness or fainting

The dizziness or fainting occurs due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow that occur during pregnancy.

They can be mild or severe and are usually accompanied by other signs of pregnancy, such as nausea and tiredness. If you’re experiencing this frequently, it’s worth talking to your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

Changes in smell

Is the perfume of your partner or someone close to you bothering you? Thanks to changes in your sense of smell, you may begin to perceive smells more intensely than normal.

This may include smelling smells that didn’t bother you before or even having an aversion to certain odors. Therefore, avoid strong smells such as cleaning products, gasoline and intense perfumes, as they can become uncomfortable or even trigger nausea.

Appearance of dark spots on the skin

These spots, known as melasma or chloasma, generally appear as darker areas of pigmentation on the skin of the face, mainly on the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin.

They are caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. The spots may become more noticeable with sun exposure and usually disappear after childbirth, but may persist in some women.

PMS or Pregnancy? Learn to differentiate the signs

Both PMS (Premenstrual Tension) and the first signs of pregnancy can have similar symptoms, which in certain cases can make it difficult to differentiate them.

The best way to differentiate is to observe whether the symptoms occur close to the expected menstrual period or if they persist and intensify over time. A pregnancy test can also help confirm a suspected pregnancy. So stay tuned!


Remember, every woman is unique, and the signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves differently in each of them. From missed periods to mood swings, our body sends us incredible signs of the arrival of this special being.

Now that you know the early signs of pregnancy and how to tell the difference, you’re ready to delve deeper into this exciting journey of motherhood. Oh, and don’t forget to consult a doctor to clarify all your doubts!

Marcela author
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